Tuesday, July 24, 2007
today was a great day but it was long. the flight was long and tight but we got a little sleep. im looking forward to having a bed tonight and getting started tomorrow. i sure miss my family, but all is well. thanks for all the PR's.
R.A Brock
today we flew Germany and the havent les us sleep all day. the jet lag is bad but the food is better than i expected. After we got here we did a scavenger hunt throughout the city and found starbucks! i love you guys!
E. W college station
so i made it through base camp. i got arrested 5 times at the mock customs. my first plane ride was pretty exciting but terrifying. it was interesting like riding in a flying bus. we landed this morning at 8 am cologne time. and then we went to tour the city to get familiar with it. oh and i got to converse with the locals both in cologne, frankfurt, as well as on the plane. im excited for Fathers plan for me and everyone else here. I miss my family terribly and i really need sleep! please PR for our work in germany. my best friends are in my thoughts.
E.J.M Rockwall, TX
hey friends, we arrived in frankfurt today at 9 german time and hung out at the airport for 4 hours waiting for our train to koln. while we were there, we made a turkish friend named F, when we talked to a lot, once in koln, we went to our youth hostel (which is very nice) and immediately went our with JSI's to tour the city. we went in a massive cathedral and had some excellent ice cream. if you could PR for wisdom for me and my team tomorrow as we go to the parks that would be great. talk to you tomorrow.
E. J.
today was amazing. i took so many pictures and Ive met several people. i tried german ice cream and turkish food. the flight was long, but i sat next to an interesting person and it was all good.
S. A. Arlington, TX
hey, well my first day in Germany was mild. the jet lag has got everyone worn out, but thats expected. im very excited about the rest of the week, yall are in my prayers. PR for my stomach and that im able to stay focused this week. love yall
K.D Grapevine, TX
today i got to see my sister who i havent seen in 7 weeks!!! i feel ready to go now im ready to let God rock my world!
J.R Teague, TX
We arrived early this morning at the airport. we had to wait 3 hours for the train. but that was ok because we met a turkish man and had a conversation with him. A few of the guys are even going to keep in touch with him. when we finallygot to the hostel the sent us our to explore and get to know the city. it is beautiful. until tomorrow
B.K.B Brownwood, TX
Hey guys, today is our first day and guess what, my luggage along with 95% of our team didnt c ome in yet. so we sont get it till later, but thats ok. anyways today we are getting to know the city. I ate gyro pita. it was actually really good. please continue to PR for us as we get our start tomorrow. thanks bye
J.L.M Buckanan Dam, TX
So Father gave me some sleep on the plane over here. Jet lag isn't too bad. Today we got to Koln and had to navigate the city in our travel groups. "Not to worry" said I, "we have interns that can help us" I was wrong, we have learned to read sings now and figure out what they mean. People here don't smile much, but they seem to be nice. I really like eis now. (No more blue bell for me) We are about to seee the Kolner Dom. I might even see some man-pris! I love you all. No I didn't get air sick. Pray for my team please!