Saturday, July 23, 2005

C.M.H. Frankston

Hey Moms and Pops. We made it safely. This place is awesome, might not come back. We are all tired, but the good is good! Got to go. Much love to all - C

A.D.E. Jefferson

Today was quite tiring but I learned how to ride the U-Bahns and got to see the very, very diverse population. They aren't the friendliest people, but we did get some help. I'm still working on becoming "round"...

B.M.T. Seminole

Hey guys! I made it to Germany. I'm so tired right now I can barely think. I want to say I love all of you and pray to give me strength and the power to adapt to this culture.

S.R. Dallas

It has been an incredible day of getting acclimated to the culture in Cologne. There is so much diversity in the people and places that surround us. Our team of students learned how to navigate the U-Bahn (transit system) and they are doing great! It should be a great week. We look forward to some rest tonight and a fresh start...

C.N.B. Del Rio

Hey guys, we made it. My body is at war with itself ever the lack of sleep issue. Please be praying for us. Germany is a lot different from Cologne. If you were one of the lucky ones to hear about the link changes, let other people know. I don't remember email addresses well, so I hope you don't feel left out because you didn't receive that email. Anyway, I love you, later.

L.B.V. Diana

Mom! We made it here great with all our luggage! We are getting to get familiar with the subways and my room-mate is Krienk! Please forward these emails to family (Mrs. Aimee) and Garebear and get his! :-) It's awesome here and I know God is going to be working all over! I love you, tell everyone hello!

R.K.P. Idalou

Hey y'all. The flight over here was long, but good. I'm extremely tired and jet-lagged, but Colgne is awesome. We went around the city to find all the trams and subway stations. The city is so cool. Pass this on to everyone. I still feel I'm wearing my seatbelt on the plane. Love y'all!

R.M. Bronte

Hey everyone! Well, we got here safely. The plane ride was awesome. It was neat to see us leave during the daytime and then it changed into night time and then daytime again. We have been up since yesterday and I am very tired. But God is going to do great things!