Sunday, July 23, 2006
Hullo mum and dad! Things went pretty good today. I tried a Turkish pizza today and it was rather good! Today was mostly PRing, but it was neat to see how the Lord pointed things out. Gotta go now, love you!
BCP-Teague, TX
Today we prayer walked at a Dusseldorf park where many people were spending their Sunday afternoon. Join with us in prayer for God to soften the hearts of the people who are in spiritual darkness. We are petitioning God to do great things through us tomorrow as we return to meet these people. We have started to love. Pray that God will open their ears and accept the love Jesus has to offer in their hearts. The hostel is very comfortable and I have tried several foods: a Doner sandwich and Turkish pizza. Tomorrow will be exciting so pray big things from God. We pray for relationships to flourish and with God's will salvations. Our JSI said that they have been praying for God to send more people to the park and today there were more there than there has been so far. God is good and He hears our cries for this nation.
KM-Lumberton, TX
Boy is it warm here. We went to the site today and prayer walked for a few hours. I had my first doner, and carbonated orange juice. Tomorrow we get to talk to people and hopefully make a friend!
CK greenvill tx,
today was a great day. My teams ares is out of town in Disseldorf. We went to a huge park and pr walked (plowed the feild) the whole day!!! God opened my eyes like I asked Him to. Everything here just seemed so lifeless. I asked father to show us an ares in the park where there werelots of people.Father answered that pr and led a few of us to a little play ground and waterpark. It broke my heart to see kids who dont have4 an opporunity to grow in a Christain home. I began to pr for the families. Tomorrow as we begin to show seeds pr that some of us will get to talk to those families.
HL Plainview TX
Today prayer walked in Dusseldorf, Germany. I'm so excited about tomorrow because we start building relationships! Please pray for everyone to step out of their comfort zones, to be ruined and round. Pray for all the people we come into contact with that their hearts will be soften and willing to meet us. Also please pray for everyone to get over their jet-lag and be well rested throughout the week. Pray for our TLs, JSIs, Ms and N so that they can get enough rest and not be stressed out. Oh yeah one more thing. Please pray that nobody will distracted by the new surroundings. Thanks for your prayers and support.
AC East Bernard TX
Hey everyone, we went prayerwalking today. It was great. It's something that I will bring back to the states. It's a wonderful moving experience. Tomorrow we begin to share with people. Pray for open windows. Call my wife and kids on her cell phone and tell them I miss them and tell them to look on this blog. -holla back
DM- Buffalo TX
Hey guys! Things have been excellent today, despite the remmant of jet-lag. We started off the day worshipping at the hostel and then headed out to our site in D. Oh and by the way it's going to be really hard to tell you about all thats going on here in such a short letter so expect more stories when I return. Anyways when we arrived at the park in D we had SC under a tree and then start pr walking over the whole thing just plowing the ground. We did this all day and it really gave us a heart for the nation. There is so much going on in this park and it should really be a great place to work. Do pray for the souls of the park as well as my ability to share with them as we start building realationships with them tomorrow. Love yall. out
AG Albany TX
Today we got to prayer walk, it was really eye-opener to what prayer can be. Our park is awesome and with lots of people. I can't wait to start meeting people.
EL- Mckinney, TX
I had the oppertunity to have a conversation with a German business man on the flight to Germany. We didnt get to the impotant subject, but he let me practice my German.
AT- Idalou,TX
Today God revealed to me how Vital prayer is in my realationship with him. As we pr walked today my group just asked J to give us courage and the right words to talk to people this week. When we finished I felt a peace in knowing our prs would be answerd. I cant wait to c what will happen tomorrow.